Saturday, October 25, 2008

Home Business and Residual Income

A recent market study of online retail sales conducted by Machrotech showed a 28 percent increase in sales, penetrating 71 percent of the US population between 2005-2006. In keeping those results in mind, one would be inclined to believe that creating a home business with a healthy residual income stream would be easy. Internet marketing failure rates paint a darker side to this story claiming dismal failure rates so high that it would appear nearly impossible to make any sort of regular income let alone a residual income with a home business.


That being said, making an income online is not only possible but probable if you follow the directions. The problem with following directions is that there are so many people giving them that following them is near impossible. Imagine how difficult it would be if you were driving down a busy street and thousands of people were shouting directions. Turn right, turn left, go faster, stop here! The thought alone is overwhelming, the frustration is exasperating.


Based on that scenario, I doubt if you would get very far either in your car or in your home business let alone make any money today or long lasting income for the tomorrows ahead. That is just one reason why experts claim that only about 3% of everyone who starts an online business will succeed.


The odds seem to weigh heavily against you however before you throw up your arms in despair and dash your dreams of owning your own home business into a million pieces I want you to think of something else. Have you ever been in a casino? If you are like many other people, I am sure that you have. Maybe you have played cards, rolled dice, spun a wheel or pulled the handle of a slot machine. I'll bet you have even won a time or three three and had great fun i the process.


You may be wondering at this point why I would bring up casino games in the middle of a home business, residual income article so I will get to the point. Casinos rake in billions of dollars each year. There is no denying that fact but did you also know that the Casinos play with a  very slight edge by design their games may carry only one percentage point in their favor and that is their draw, you have in some cases high chance of winning except more often than that you walk away with less money than you had before you started playing.


Casinos have the knowledge to use small percentages to earn them piles of long term residual income just as you need the knowledge of the home business market to achieve similar results.


Educate yourself before jumping feet first into the deep end of the marketing pool. Don't grab the first business you see based on how flashy their ad or fall prey to their claims of huge financial gains in 30 days or less. Be realistic with your expectations, if you have been living in the same house for the last 15 years and driving the same 10 year old compact car why would you think that you would be moving to a mansion by the sea with a new red Ferrari by the end of the month?


I have news for you..... Wake up, you won't!


 Like most other things making money from the Internet takes time and persistence and in the case of affiliate marketing it also takes one other thing - a good program..


The type of program that I like best is called a cooperative business model because it offers more bang for the buck than many other programs. Working with a cooperative is full of features and benefits like low startup costs, low advertising costs, easy consumer acquisition at an affordable price from an established customer base without wasting your time or money on purchasing leads. No doubt about it. real paying customers mean real income.


If you are serious about creating a solid home business that will pay you today and provide a residual income for your days ahead, I highly recommend investigating the power of joining a business cooperative. It is sound business principles that make a good business capable of fulfilling your dreams.


RH Sterling – Case Statement Copywriter


Skype: rhsterling


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