Monday, June 30, 2008

Strategic Internet Marketing The Time Is Now!

Strategic Internet marketing is a systematic method to market your goods and serivices effectively on the Internet. In late February Thomas Prendergast, CEO Veretekk marketing released a new strategic internet marketing system to the public. The system called Its Good Businesshas been under development by Prendergast for the past 8 years before being released.
The remaining details of Its Good Business were finalized when Prendergast met with long time friend and Marketing Master, Al Gonzales and the results have been astounding.
There are several key features that sets the Its Good Business opportunity apart from anything else on the market today.
Training - The Its Good Business opportunity features live training classes on building your marketing skills. As an Its Good Busines marketing team member you will learn how to properly construct web pages, HTML, blogs, press releases and marketing material. Its Good Business will even teach you the art and craft of effective searh engine optimization (SEO).
The team of Its Good Business uses the strategic Internet marketing power of the most powerful marketing system on the Internet today - Veretekk.
Using the power of Veretekk combined with the unique power of TriVita which offers the only opportunity on the Internet that allows you to buy paying customers customers in a dynamic one of a kind cooporative marketing model.
TriVita is a 9 year old, debt free company that sells and manufactures physician formulated neutraceuticals. You have probably seen and heard their informercials on both radio and television. Classified as an MLM company however TriVita is a unique hybrid that allows you to purchase their customers to build your business. No other company on the Internet allows you to do this because traditional MLM companies would be in violation of their distributor agreement. The only similarity that TriVita has with a traditional MLM company is their unilevel compensation plan. All customers on your front line pay you an unheard of 21% commission rate. When you buy a customer from TriVita those customers are your's for life. Just one more thing... TriVita actually markets to them for you!
The Its Good Business concept of true team building where members help other members to succeed working in concert with TriVita produces an opportunity with zero tolerance for failure.
If you are serious about building a successful business then I highly recommend that you attend a free Its Good Business presentation held every Saturday at 1pm Pacific at
Its Good Businessis strategic Internet marketing at the speed of thought.
RH Sterling
Case Statement Copywriter
Certified Veretekk Trainer
Office: 570.972.1245
Private: 570.655.0522
Skype: rhsterling
Business email:
Personal email:
On the web
- "Strive not to be a success but rather to be of value" Albert Einstein -

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Vitamin D - Vitamin D Deficiency - Vitamin D Facts

Awareness of vitamin D deficiency first appeared in the early part of the 20th century. It is described in medical writings as rickets. Vitamin D deficiency caused rickets which is a condition in which the body fails to mineralize bone. Due to actions to fortify milk and cereal with vitamin D caused rickets to become a relatively rare disease.
Exposure to the sun is critical to sufficient vitamin D and until modern times, human beings spent a great deal of time outdoors. Our species originated in the subtropical regions so we naturally got enough sun exposure to generate sufficient vitamin D, but as man migrated to less temperate climes this changed. The shift from a society that was based in agriculture to an increasingly industrialized society we spent more time indoors in factories and less time in the sun.
Today many of us work in buildings with glazed windows, we wear sun block and drive everywhere in cars. Our time spent outdoors in the sunlight is very limited and covered with sun screen lotion. Any sun block with an SPF above 8 will block the UV rays necessary for vitamin D conversion.
If you live in a region that runs from just below New York City west to northern California the sun is only strong enough to trigger the vitamin D conversion between May and September meaning a large percentage of the population is at risk much of the year for vitamin D deficiency. However just because you live in the northern portions of the continent that you are deficient. Visit with your Doctor, discuss your concerns and have your vitamin D levels tested before beginning a vitamin D supplemental program.
Vitamin D deficiency symptoms
Vitamin D deficiency is often characterized by muscle pain, weak bones/fractures, low energy, fatigue, lowered immunity, depression and sleep irregularities. Intestinal concerns such as IBS, renal problems and Crohn’s disease may caused by a vitamin D deficiency, they can neither absorb nor adequately convert the vitamin D.
As we age, our bodies slowly lose the ability to utilize vitamin D properly and a process that lowers our calcium absorption rates occurs. This creates a higher risk of osteoporosis, particularly in post-menopausal women.
Researchers are not sure how sex hormones affect vitamin D conversion however females seem to have a harder time stimulating the mechanism that builds bone tissue when their estrogen levels are reduced.Calcium is clearly an important co-factor to vitamin D and may lose efficacy if vitamin D is deficient or estrogen levels are low as vitamin D appears to be a critical factor in bone health.
Vitamin D and weight loss
Have you seen the new television commercials launched by the American Dairy Council? Some studies have shown that weight loss does occur with an increase in calcium intake, while others appear to refute this. Since vitamin D is directly involved in calcium absorption, it stands to reason that vitamin D is also a factor in how the body regulates weight.
Moreover, people who have a reduced capacity to mobilize vitamin D often weigh more and have more body fat than those with full capacity. In the past 20 years multiple studies have shown a correlation between higher blood levels of vitamin D and leaner body mass.
Vitamin D and cancer
Evidence is mounting that vitamin D may protect against some cancers, particularly breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancers. In fact, over 60 years of research have shown vitamin D supplementation or sunlight-induced vitamin D conversion to be associated with lower incidence of cancers.
Ways to prevent Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency may be prevented or treated by following a few simple guidelines. Eating a healthy diet he best way to protect yourself from any deficiency however often times even the most well thought out diet is lacking in some nutrients due to the source, freshness or method by which your food is processed. There is a controversy over whether our primary source of vitamin D should be the sun, diet, or supplements. Which combination is best for you depends on many variables, including your age, nutritional status, and geographic location. In a world where so many of us are at risk of vitamin D deficiency, we recognize each of these sources as valuable.
Eat a diet rich in whole foods and complex carbohydrates. Nutrient-dense, fatty fish like mackerel and sardines are good sources of vitamin D. Eggs, dairy products, and some organ meats (like liver) are good natural sources of Vitamin D.
Supplementation should include a top-quality multivitamin every day to fill any nutritional gaps in your diet. Your supplement should have a minimum dose of 200 IU of vitamin D but to safe it should not exceed 1000 IU. I highly  recommend VitaDaily AM/PM™.
VitaDaily AM/PM™ is not your typical vitamin. TriVita has added whole food concentrates to an already complete multivitamin formula for super nourishment and easy absorption. Organic fruits and vegetables add extra antioxidant protection.
Allow yourself limited, unprotected sun exposure in the early morning and late afternoon but no more than 15 minutes per day if you have a light complexion and no more than 40 minutes if you have darker skin. This is particularly important between the months of May and September if you live in northern regions.
If you think you may be suffering from vitamin D deficiency, you should see your Dr and have your blood tested. This is especially important for women over 50. Vitamin D may be one of the key elements that is an important part of maintaining optimum health.
RH Sterling
Case Statement Copywriter
Skype: rhsterling
For more information visit:
"Strive not to be a success but rather to be of value." Albert Einstein

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Internet Marketing; Highway to Hell

How does a search for an Internet marketing business take a wrong turn from the information super highway onto the highway to hell?
One minute you are cruising a long and all of a sudden a sign pops up telling you to turn here and the next thing you know you are on the highway to hell jam packed with billboards, neon signs and scary flash videos that try to lure you with words like “Pre Launch”, “Get Rich Quick”, “MLM”, “Mega Millions” and more
Where do you go and what do you do? I mean it isn’t as if you have a street map or a GPS onboard as you try to navigate around these financial detours. The best thing to do is lift your foot off of the gas pedal and cruise right by without being pulled over.
Learn the warning signs.
Pre Launch is a sure sign that this is a “ground floor” opportunity. Pre Launch also means that this is uncharted territory and that they are looking for guinea pigs to get into the program for free and create a lot of hype for them and then they try to get you to buy. It is a well known fact that very few, if any ever make a nickel on a Pre Launch. Tighten your seatbelt and drive right by.
Wouldn’t we all like to “get rich quick”? Honestly who would say no to have your bank account stuffed to the brim overnight without doing any work? Let’s not kid each other “We all would love it if it were just that easy.” The truth is that if you look under the hood of these programs you will either find that is “all show and no go” or the “man behind the curtain” is no wizard. This is another drive right by.
The 3 magic letters, MLM have people jumping like frogs from one lily pad to another in search of the next latest and greatest flavor of the week. This is not to say that all MLM companies are bad, some have excellent products, great reputations and a few even have some longevity however this is where the road gets narrow and windy. There are no guard rails here and if you aren’t careful you could end up in a ditch.
Here are some things that you want to be on the look out for as you travel the Internet marketing highway to hell.
Distributors – A distributor is nothing more than another hungry salesperson. You may recruit them but will you keep them? On the average the lifespan of a distributor in your MLM home business organization is about 12 weeks more or less. It all depends on if they are making any money. No money, no distributor. Distributors are salespeople not customers. In an organization full of distributors you have no customers. You build relationships with your customers that produce results. Customers have loyalty – distributors do not.
Shift now into a lower gear as you climb the hill of “Constant Recruiting” as you attempt to dodge potholes in your organization. Almost out of gas you pull into the next “Leads station” and fill’er up with high test leads only to discover that 97% of your leads spilled all over the ground.
That is the way it is with typical MLM business – recruit, recruit, recruit and always buy leads.
If it sounds exhausting, it is.
The majority of people fail with this type of program.
There is a better way than recruiting distributors and buying leads. It is called the Its Good Business cooperative business plan which uses the principles of strategic Internet marketing with the power of the TriVita to buy customers to create streams of long term residual income.
Long term residual income is the type of income that we all wish to build. Long term residual income is not just for our needs today but also to sustain us for the days to come.
Is long term residual a part of your long term plans? If not it should be. Don’t have your long term plans interrupted for lack of long term residual income. Get on the right road…. All roads to Its Good Business starts right here pull in now and leave the highway to hell behind.
Visit Complete real-time information and map included.
You really can get there from here, afterall Its Good Business
RH Sterling
Case Statement Copywriter
Skype: rhsterling

Friday, June 27, 2008

Retirement; Is your's enough?

According to a study that was recently released by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, nearly one-third of baby boomers ages 51 to 61 are at risk of not having enough in savings to finance a comfortable retirement. At least 32 percent of all retirees appear to be "at risk" for not being able to maintain their pre-retirement standard of living in retirement.
There is a retirement crisis because people are living longer, health care costs are escalating and workers aren't saving enough. Americans now must wait until they're older than 65 to collect full Social Security benefits; meanwhile, lower interest rates mean they'll probably collect less on annuities and other investments. And many of today's workers do not have pensions like earlier generations and must rely on worker-funded retirement accounts.
Many baby boomers are faced with two choices — to save more or to work longer. For older people, working just two years more can make a substantial difference. Working longer can have a powerful effect because it shortens the period over which you have to support yourself and lets you put off dipping into your retirement reserves and you can collect higher Social Security benefits.
How much do you need to retire?
Some financial planners consider a 70% rule of thumb meaning that you will need 70% of the income you are receiving pre-retirement to carry you through after you retire. As an example if you now earn $50,000 per year while working you will need at least $35,000 per year after you retire.
The average monthly Social Security benefit payment is about $990.00 per month ($11,880 per year) according to the Social Security Administration.  Using their figures you would need to have an additional income of $23,120 to reach the goal of the 70% rule.
Where will you get that needed additional income?
One of the top reasons that older Americans are working longer is due to the cost of health care. Even though you’ll be eligible for Medicare, it doesn’t cover all health costs and the rapid rise in health care costs is one of the leading causes of bankruptcy filings among Americans over the age of 55.
Will your 401k furnish the needed funds?
Current changes in the economy, higher gas, food, utilities, health care costs combined with tighter credit policies, unstable stock market and plummeting real estate values are having a definite impact on how and when you can retire.
Where will you work to support your cost of living?
A high percentage of baby boomers are finding that they must work to sustain their lifestyle but where do you go when your company doesn’t want you anymore? Many older Americans who continue to work after they retire choose to work for themselves. Some people are able to turn previously acquired job skills into extra money. Others monetize their hobbies and passions on eBay and are able to earn a full time salary.
The more adventurous reach the boundaries of eBay and delve more deeply into the arena of Internet marketing. Unfortunately many of them fail. Statistics show that an alarming 95-97% of those who start a business fail within the first year; many don’t even last 6 months.
The biggest reason they fail is from lack of knowledge.
Before you invest into any business I urge you to investigate the opportunity thoroughly and ask yourself if the opportunity that you are considering can build passive sustainable streams of long term residual income simply and easily by buying customers like this if not visit for free complete real-time information on how you can you can retire without worry.
RH Sterling – Case Statement Copywriter – 570.970.1245 – Skype: rhsterling

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Reverse Mortgage: Solution to Retirement Woes?

A reverse mortgage is a special type of home loan that lets a homeowner convert a portion of the equity in his or her home into cash. The equity built up over years of home mortgage payments can be paid to you. But unlike a traditional home equity loan or second mortgage, no repayment is required until the borrower(s) no longer use the home as their principal residence.
To be eligible for a reverse mortgage, HUD's Federal Housing Administration (FHA) requires that the home be a primary residence and the borrower is 62 years of age or older, own your home outright or have a low mortgage balance that can be paid off at the closing with proceeds from the reverse loan.
There are 5 ways to receive the money from the equity your home when you choose a reverse mortgage.
• Tenure - equal monthly payments as long as at least one borrower lives and continues to occupy the property as a principal residence.
• Term - equal monthly payments for a fixed period of months selected.
• Line of Credit - unscheduled payments or in installments, at times and in amounts of borrower's choosing until the line of credit is exhausted.
• Modified Tenure - combination of line of credit with monthly payments for as long as the borrower remains in the home.
• Modified Term - combination of line of credit with monthly payments for a fixed period of months selected by the borrower.
Reverse mortgage options have become a popular choice of many seniors in the past to alleviate retirement financial woes because it gave them immediate access to their home’s equity, allowing them the extra money for such things as increased costs of medicine and healthcare insurance.
As stocks began to decline so began the rapidly falling real estate prices reached the sharpest decline in the history of the S&P Real Estate Price Index stripping away years of home equity resources.
The housing market continues to nosedive nationally and large mortgage investment companies run for cover creating a shortage of mortgage money. Tightened credit restrictions came quickly on the heels of the collapse of Bear Stearns disqualifying many individuals from any type of mortgage financing. A sharp decline in equity values, a volatile stock market and lack of sufficient retirement resources has forced many seniors to look elsewhere for needed income to keep pace with rising expenses.
According to the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare,  Social Security benefits comprised 39 percent all income to seniors 65 and over. Only 12% of income was derived from assets (12 percent)and a scant 19% came from pensions both Government and private leaving an alarming number of seniors having to work to make ends meet.
One such case is Lester G., a 75 year old veteran who spent 30 years working as a foreman for a furniture company. His company retirement plan pays him slightly less than $30 per month. Between his retirement and social security checks Lester finds it necessary to continue to keep working just to pay for his health care insurance.
Other seniors in growing numbers are seeking to supplement their income using the technology of the Internet. Some have turned to eBay and more have turned to MLM and Internet marketing. Marketing on the Internet offers a unique opportunity, a chance at earning a sustainable income that has the ability to supplement or replace other means of generating needed retirement funds.
Unfortunately many of their efforts end in failure either due to the difficulty of the programs and the dishonesty of the companies/promoters. These failure rates are unacceptable but there is a solution that may just be the answer for your income needs. That solution is called Its Good Business and it is capturing the Internet on a global scale because it has been breaking all records by producing streams of passive long term residual income coupled with a zero failure rate.
If you are seeking to supplement your income without adding to your debt then you should take a look at the impressive cooperative business and marketing model of Its Good Business.
Visit for more information on ways that could improve your financial health.
RH Sterling
Case Statement Copywriter
Skype: rhsterling

Long Term Residual Income - MLM - Stop the Bastardization

Internet Marketing has evolved over the years from a way to create a home based business into a beast that seems to be filled with the have's and the have not's. All too often I receive story after story from people who's hopes and dreams have been dashed at an expensive cost. Retirement funds... depleted, credit cards... maxed out, and debt at a time when financial stability in the market place is teetering on recession.
In a sea of Internet Marketing shams, scams and greed there is a single voice, a quiet business changing the face of how business is done here on the Internet. They are putting an end to the elitist MLM pyramid schemes and have found a way to generate Long Term Residual Income and wealth creation, if you join their team. The Marketing group is simply called Its Good Business and is helping the individual by using a buy customers business model; for the first time, an individual can build a real business online. The residual income potential is eye opening and the financial calculator provides a realistic income potential over the long term.
The key to any good business online or off is to obtain customer market share. This is the heart of Its Good Business wealth creation and long term residual income. The Marketing Group works in teams separated into categories of SEO and lead generation, Blogging, Press release and finally Sales. Each individual who joins Its Good Business gets to excel at what they do best but receives the benefits of others talents in their field of expertise and passion. Its Good Business also trains their people to become complete marketers and business entrepreneurs by providing information on how to properly use search engine optimization, blogging; etc.... to help each member grow their future.
What this means is you don't have to do it all. The team as a whole does. Its Good Business even has a sales team who does nothing but provide information to interested parties and help them join the group. The key here is individuals get strategic placement based on their skills and the groups line gets filled. No one had to make a cold call, recruit or buy a lead in order to grow. The only requirement is buying customers which create long term residual income for the life of the business relationship from this Quiet Business.
Some may try and undersell and over promise this opportunity because it sounds too good to be true. Do not allow this to happen to you. Its Good Business's financial calculator is based on joining their group and following their marketing plan. Only then will you find the success you are looking for, speak with a representative or attend an information session on any given Saturday at 1pm PST and see for yourself. There is no pressure, no sales pitch and no recruiting. Its Good Business whishes to only offer information on how you can become successful and break free from the MLM bastardization of your dreams.
Corie Wallace - Marketing Strategy Specialist
From Marketing Strategies to Online Sales Techniques,
Search Engine Optimization and Effective Promoting on Google
Skype: corie.wallace