Saturday, June 28, 2008

Internet Marketing; Highway to Hell

How does a search for an Internet marketing business take a wrong turn from the information super highway onto the highway to hell?
One minute you are cruising a long and all of a sudden a sign pops up telling you to turn here and the next thing you know you are on the highway to hell jam packed with billboards, neon signs and scary flash videos that try to lure you with words like “Pre Launch”, “Get Rich Quick”, “MLM”, “Mega Millions” and more
Where do you go and what do you do? I mean it isn’t as if you have a street map or a GPS onboard as you try to navigate around these financial detours. The best thing to do is lift your foot off of the gas pedal and cruise right by without being pulled over.
Learn the warning signs.
Pre Launch is a sure sign that this is a “ground floor” opportunity. Pre Launch also means that this is uncharted territory and that they are looking for guinea pigs to get into the program for free and create a lot of hype for them and then they try to get you to buy. It is a well known fact that very few, if any ever make a nickel on a Pre Launch. Tighten your seatbelt and drive right by.
Wouldn’t we all like to “get rich quick”? Honestly who would say no to have your bank account stuffed to the brim overnight without doing any work? Let’s not kid each other “We all would love it if it were just that easy.” The truth is that if you look under the hood of these programs you will either find that is “all show and no go” or the “man behind the curtain” is no wizard. This is another drive right by.
The 3 magic letters, MLM have people jumping like frogs from one lily pad to another in search of the next latest and greatest flavor of the week. This is not to say that all MLM companies are bad, some have excellent products, great reputations and a few even have some longevity however this is where the road gets narrow and windy. There are no guard rails here and if you aren’t careful you could end up in a ditch.
Here are some things that you want to be on the look out for as you travel the Internet marketing highway to hell.
Distributors – A distributor is nothing more than another hungry salesperson. You may recruit them but will you keep them? On the average the lifespan of a distributor in your MLM home business organization is about 12 weeks more or less. It all depends on if they are making any money. No money, no distributor. Distributors are salespeople not customers. In an organization full of distributors you have no customers. You build relationships with your customers that produce results. Customers have loyalty – distributors do not.
Shift now into a lower gear as you climb the hill of “Constant Recruiting” as you attempt to dodge potholes in your organization. Almost out of gas you pull into the next “Leads station” and fill’er up with high test leads only to discover that 97% of your leads spilled all over the ground.
That is the way it is with typical MLM business – recruit, recruit, recruit and always buy leads.
If it sounds exhausting, it is.
The majority of people fail with this type of program.
There is a better way than recruiting distributors and buying leads. It is called the Its Good Business cooperative business plan which uses the principles of strategic Internet marketing with the power of the TriVita to buy customers to create streams of long term residual income.
Long term residual income is the type of income that we all wish to build. Long term residual income is not just for our needs today but also to sustain us for the days to come.
Is long term residual a part of your long term plans? If not it should be. Don’t have your long term plans interrupted for lack of long term residual income. Get on the right road…. All roads to Its Good Business starts right here pull in now and leave the highway to hell behind.
Visit Complete real-time information and map included.
You really can get there from here, afterall Its Good Business
RH Sterling
Case Statement Copywriter
Skype: rhsterling