Thursday, June 26, 2008

Long Term Residual Income - MLM - Stop the Bastardization

Internet Marketing has evolved over the years from a way to create a home based business into a beast that seems to be filled with the have's and the have not's. All too often I receive story after story from people who's hopes and dreams have been dashed at an expensive cost. Retirement funds... depleted, credit cards... maxed out, and debt at a time when financial stability in the market place is teetering on recession.
In a sea of Internet Marketing shams, scams and greed there is a single voice, a quiet business changing the face of how business is done here on the Internet. They are putting an end to the elitist MLM pyramid schemes and have found a way to generate Long Term Residual Income and wealth creation, if you join their team. The Marketing group is simply called Its Good Business and is helping the individual by using a buy customers business model; for the first time, an individual can build a real business online. The residual income potential is eye opening and the financial calculator provides a realistic income potential over the long term.
The key to any good business online or off is to obtain customer market share. This is the heart of Its Good Business wealth creation and long term residual income. The Marketing Group works in teams separated into categories of SEO and lead generation, Blogging, Press release and finally Sales. Each individual who joins Its Good Business gets to excel at what they do best but receives the benefits of others talents in their field of expertise and passion. Its Good Business also trains their people to become complete marketers and business entrepreneurs by providing information on how to properly use search engine optimization, blogging; etc.... to help each member grow their future.
What this means is you don't have to do it all. The team as a whole does. Its Good Business even has a sales team who does nothing but provide information to interested parties and help them join the group. The key here is individuals get strategic placement based on their skills and the groups line gets filled. No one had to make a cold call, recruit or buy a lead in order to grow. The only requirement is buying customers which create long term residual income for the life of the business relationship from this Quiet Business.
Some may try and undersell and over promise this opportunity because it sounds too good to be true. Do not allow this to happen to you. Its Good Business's financial calculator is based on joining their group and following their marketing plan. Only then will you find the success you are looking for, speak with a representative or attend an information session on any given Saturday at 1pm PST and see for yourself. There is no pressure, no sales pitch and no recruiting. Its Good Business whishes to only offer information on how you can become successful and break free from the MLM bastardization of your dreams.
Corie Wallace - Marketing Strategy Specialist
From Marketing Strategies to Online Sales Techniques,
Search Engine Optimization and Effective Promoting on Google
Skype: corie.wallace